Pricing tailored for Events of all sizes

Everything you need to sell tickets, manage events, and attract attendees—all in one place.

Event Ticketing

2.5 %
  • Unlimited Events & Tickets
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Discount Codes
  • WhatsApp, Email & SMS Notice
  • Sales Summary Dashboard
  • Event management
  • Reports & Audits
  • Secure Payments & Access
  • Immediate Payouts
  • Guest Check-in
  • Ticket Add-On Options
  • Email Invitations & Confirmations

Event Voting

15 %
  • Unlimited Events
  • Unlimited Categories & Contestants
  • Candidate Profiles
  • WhatsApp Bot Voting
  • Nominee Filling and Uploads
  • Email & SMS Notice
  • Results Management
  • Account Management
  • Reports & Audits
  • Secure Payments & Access
  • Immediate Payouts
  • User-Friendly Interface

Frequently asked questions

Effortlessly manage events from
registration to showtime.

100% Free Unlimited Events & E-Voting
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